Inspired by the blog, 1000 Awesome Things, I have decided to write up 100 Awesome Things about Korea. There are so many things about this country that are unique, interesting, fun, or even off-the-wall (in a good way) that I would like to share with you. It is my hope that if you have been reading this blog, you will enjoy these Awesome Things. Like I have mentioned before, many people can only write negative things about their lives here, but I want to show people that there's more to Korea than what negative bloggers can see.
So without further ado, Awesome Thing about Korea #1: In spring and fall, the hills, trees, mountains, riversides, and even street-sides explode into vibrant color. Color that is so bright, so vibrant, it almost hurts your eyes to look at it sometimes. Korea is known for its four seasons, each with defining weather patterns, as well as its variety of flora to accompany it. But spring and fall are my favorite seasons here; the temperature hovers at the comfortable mark and brilliant blue skies reign overhead with full sunshine. I predict my new Canon will be getting a nice workout this year, for sure.
Splendid photos! Will I see all these wonders in Korea on April?