Monday, July 25, 2011

Fulfilling a dream, part 1

A dream of mine has been to travel to Australia and see the sights of Sydney. I never thought that I would actually get the chance to do so, however. But as I sit here on a plane headed towards Malaysia, that dream is inching closer to completion.

Tomorrow morning I'll be boarding the second leg of my trip, an 8-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney. When I land tomorrow evening, I will have left behind the heat and humidity of summer in Korea for the milder winter temps of southeastern Australia. With the extended forecast heralding temperatures in the 60s (around 10 Celsius for the metric system users) for the duration of my trip, I surely can't complain.

Not only that, I'll be able to see first-hand sights I've only witnessed in others' pictures or on TV. I'll be able to take my own pictures to take home with me, as well as have some truly unique adventures. High on my list are the Sydney Opera House, as well as playing with koalas and kangaroos. But who knows what else awaits me? Stay tuned for more details!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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